Hi ✌️ I am

Kaiqi George

Frontend Developer, based in the US.

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My Projects

Dictionary App

My dictionary app integrates multiple APIs and libraries to deliver precise lexical insights for any given input word. Functionality encompasses phonetic transcriptions, detailed definitions categorized by part of speech, illustrative example sentences to elucidate word usage and a curated list of synonyms.

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, API

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Weather App

An Intuitive interface with robust functionality; provides users with real-time and forecasted weather data for any queried city. Leveraging advanced API capabilities, the app offers access to comprehensive weather insights for over 200,000 cities worldwide.

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, APIs

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JS Clock

One of my earliest projects. Here I created a virtual room with a clock in it. Employing event-driven programming and DOM manipulation techniques, the clock seamlessly updates in real-time, ensuring precision and reliability in time display.

HTML, CSS, JavaScript

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